SCRC South Bohemian Chapter, Czech republic |

#371 - SCRC South Bohemian Chapter, Czech republic

spusť rezervaci / stav rezervace


Important notes:  Rezervation is READY

  • The tents is possible to reserve on the end of form.

  • Reservation of accommodation and registration procedure:

  • And you will see list of accommodation. Than mark the beds you have chosen in given kind of accommodation and confirm with enter or with button „odeslat“, which you can find below. You have to mark the beds for each day: Thursday – čtvrtek, Friday – pátek and Saturday – sobota. After confirmation you will see list of reserved beds and a form. At once you can register max. 4 person.

  • The form confirm with button “odeslat”.

  • Than you see a table with number of reserved beds, registration fees and total price. Confirm the order.

  • Your reservation is confirmed now and a copy of booking will be delivered on your e-mail. Because it is expensive to pay it via international bank transfer you can pay it in cash on the rally.

  • If you have any questions just let me know on my e-mail


    - reservation is possible - free room
    Name - already reserverd and payed
    ?Name-3d - reserverd, but not payed. The number shows the day to cancel reservation.

  •  spusť rezervaci / stav rezervace

    Overview of rooms in the camp: